Thursday 28 May 2009

One Minute Strike

One Minute Strike

One Minute Strike seeks support from all voters to join together in a one minute strike at 11am on Saturday 4 July. The Strike calls for a General Election now, so voters can pass judgement on their MP’s.

One Minute Strike believes that if voters join together for one minute of General Strike we can show our politicians the depth of our anger. We the Voter require real action rather than the disgraceful response thus far from our so called political leaders. Their response has allowed disgraced MP’s to remain in their jobs, still on full pay and still able to claim unjust expenses.

By having a One Minute strike we can all join in protest without causing undue pressure on our fragile economy. We want our Politicians to focus on topics like our economy however democracy has been corrupted by all MP’s and they have lost our trust. No MP can claim authority to act on our behalf without having a new mandate.

Join the One Minute Strike at 11am on the 4 July.